


Patient (3)

Nowhere to escape

Unexpectedly, the vicious killer that was imagined did not appear from behind the door. Instead, a small triangular head appeared in front of everyone, and it was the cat brought by Ye Shu.

"Damn it! Scared the hell out of me. Where did this little animal come from?" Chen Jun cursed loudly.

"Mr. Xu, why is there a cat here?" Liang Fang stepped back, covering her mouth and nose, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I... I'm not sure. It should be a stray cat." Xu Xin picked up the cat from the ground and rubbed its belly. But soon, the cat wriggled out of his arms and ran to Ye Shu's feet.

"This cat is mine. It's not safe for it to stay at home." Ye Shu squatted down and held it in her arms, apologizing.

"You're so concerned about the life and death of that little animal even though you've crossed the river yourself." Chen Jun snorted coldly, showing his dissatisfaction with Ye Shu's behavior.

"It's not just a little animal, it's my cat!" Ye Shu argued.

"You..." Chen Jun straightened up, about to burst into anger.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Xu Xin quickly stepped in between the two, "Calm down, calm down. If nothing happens after four o'clock, could it be that the killer has stopped?"

"If we follow the initial pattern, it's possible that the killer has indeed stopped. But at three o'clock, Director Qin and Teacher Qiu disappeared together, so we can't be sure..." Zhang Jing pondered.

Then he looked at the glasses and jade bracelet. His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the clock, and now there seemed to be nothing unusual. He wanted to continue searching for clues. But to his surprise, the glasses and jade bracelet that were just on the bed were nowhere to be found.

"What's going on?" Zhang Jing exclaimed, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Could it be that we've encountered a ghost?" After listening to Zhang Jing's story, Ye Shu connected it with the previous incidents of the severed hand and the missing pregnancy report. "But we were all in the house just now, how could we not feel anything?"

"Nonsense, can you see ghosts?" Chen Jun said disdainfully, but his voice faintly trembled.

"This is too strange..." Zhang Jing shook his head slightly, puzzled.

"Maybe we should search their rooms? After all, these things fell from their bodies, maybe there are some clues." Ye Shu put the cat on the ground and walked to Zhang Jing's side.

"At this point, we can't just sit and wait. We must find something." Zhang Jing clenched his fist. "And we must stick together to ensure our safety."

"You can go if you want, but I don't want to die." Chen Jun said contemptuously, being the first to express his opposition. Zhang Jing looked at Liang Fang, but she also replied with a denial. He then looked at Xu Xin, who lowered his head and stammered to Zhang Jing, "I... I'll stay here."

Zhang Jing sighed lightly and left with Ye Shu.

"Hmm?" Ye Shu felt that someone was staring at her, so she turned her head to take a look, but didn't find anything. "Am I just too nervous?" Ye Shu slapped her face and caught up with Zhang Jing's footsteps.

Because Yu Hang's room had already been searched, the two went straight to Liu Wenying's room.

"This is my first time entering a girl's room, feels a bit like a rogue." Ye Shu joked.

Zhang Jing didn't answer, he turned the doorknob and opened the door to Liu Wenying's room. There was nothing unusual in Liu Wenying's room, some cosmetics were placed on the dressing table. The suitcase was not closed, and a notebook was placed on top. Ye Shu picked up the notebook and casually flipped through it.

"May 15th... So it's a diary." Ye Shu muttered to herself. But after reading it for a while, Ye Shu's face changed slightly, obviously she had discovered something. Zhang Jing noticed something was wrong and walked over to ask.

"I didn't know she had depression, and it seems to be quite serious. And the child she is pregnant with doesn't seem to belong to Yu Hang or Qin Wenguang." Ye Shu's face became serious, and her tone was filled with surprise.

Liu Wenying's diary revealed a lot of information. The reason she chose to be kept was largely due to her family: her parents divorced early on, she followed her mother, and life has always been difficult, but fortunately, she worked hard in her studies and was admitted to graduate school. Her childhood experiences also made her obsessed with money, but as an ordinary girl, she naturally didn't have a way to get rich overnight, so she started exchanging her body for wealth. Gradually, she became the "little mistress" that Liang Fang mentioned. Although she knew that the men she encountered were only after her body, she couldn't prevent some people with twisted minds from doing things that were difficult to speak of. This kind of life caused her to have major psychological problems, and what really made her desperate was the child in her belly. The reason why Ye Shu said the child didn't belong to either Yu Hang or Qin Wenguang was because in the diary, Liu Wenying didn't know who the father of the child was, so she couldn't find someone to take responsibility for her. After that, she developed severe depression. After getting to know Yu Hang, he took advantage of his identity to harass Liu Wenying, and even made a move on her one night. Liu Wenying told Qin Wenguang about this, but instead of helping her, Qin Wenguang told her to use this matter to extort money from Yu Hang.

"In the past, when I heard that I could make money, I would be very excited. But at that moment, money felt so disgusting." Liu Wenying wrote this sentence in her diary on that day.

"She's a pitiful person, but she also brought it upon herself." Ye Shu closed the diary and sighed. Zhang Jing remained silent, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. The two continued to search for clues in the room.

On the other side, in Yu Hang's room.

"Who took this thing away?" Liang Fang pointed at Ye Shu's cat, disgusted.

"Oh? Professor Liang is afraid of cats too? Are you also like this in the lab?" Chen Jun teased, his tone full of mockery.

"I'm just allergic to cat hair." Liang Fang covered her mouth and nose, responding coldly.

"It's really unfortunate, I'm also allergic. I'm afraid I can't help you." Chen Jun put on a look of sorrow, but he was actually quite pleased.

"Let me do it. I actually quite like this little guy." Xu Xin picked up the cat, but the cat jumped out of his arms after a while, leaving him helpless.

"Also, there are some medicine prepared in the villa. Applying it might make you feel better. I'll take the cat out and bring the medicine up for you." Xu Xin looked at Liang Fang.

"That would be best, thank you." Liang Fang responded coldly.

"Any discoveries, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything seems normal. Let's go to Teacher Qiu's room and take a look." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock. A very bad premonition surged in their hearts. Zhang Jing opened the door and saw Xu Xin lying on the ground, blood flowing from his nose, unconscious. Liang Fang and Chen Jun were nowhere to be found. Zhang Jing quickly went over to help Xu Xin up, while Ye Shu searched for the whereabouts of the other two.

"What did you find, Teacher Zhang?" Ye Shu asked.

"Nothing, everything is normal. We still need to go to Teacher Qiu's room." Zhang Jing shook his head.

After searching for a while, they still found nothing. The window was already letting in a few rays of light. Zhang Jing looked at his watch and his face changed. He called Ye Shu and the two rushed back to Yu Hang's room. Just as they arrived at the door, the clock struck, it was six o'clock

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